
Objects and Arrays

Array declearation

	let arrName = [1, 2, 3]; // index start from 0

Some function for array

	arrName.length(); // output = 3;
	arrName.push(5); // new array = 1, 2, 3, 5
	arrName.pop(); // new array = 1, 2, 3
	console.log(arrName); // output = [1, 2, 3]

Object declearation

object are arbitrary collections of properties. there will be more than one variable. let’s see an object

	let objectName{
		var1: true,
		var2: 'avash',
		var3: 10,
		arr: [1, 2, 3]
	// access properties of object

If we try to access a property that doesn’t exist in the object then it will give undefined-

	console.log(objectName.undefinedproperty); // output = undefined

We can create a new property inside an object by using =.

	objectName.undefinedproperty = 10;
	console.log(objectName.undefinedproperty); // output = 10

We can delete an existion property -

	delete objectName.var1;
	console.log(objectName.var1); // output = undefined

You can check if a property exist in the object by using in-

	console.log("propertyName" in objectName); // will be bool type, true or false
	// We can't just use console.log(objectName.propertyName), because it can undefined in 2 case
	// 1) property not exist
	// 2) property exist but value is not set