
This project is maintained by MahediKamal

💜1 ) problem: Write an assembly program that will take a number n as input and print the following pattern.

Note: Input should be given between 0 to 9.

		Sample Input 1:
		Sample Output 1:
		1 2
		1 2 3
		1 2 3 4

		Sample Input 2:
		Sample Output 2:
		1 2
		1 2 3
		1 2 3 4
		1 2 3 4 5
		1 2 3 4 5 6

solution code-

		.model small
		.stack 100h
			i db 31h ; ASCII value of '1' is 31h: i=1
			j db 31h ; ASCII value of '0' is 30h: i=1

			main proc
				mov ax,@data
				mov ds,ax
				; ......input..........
				mov ah,1
				int 21h
				mov bl,al; saving our input in bl

				; handeling the corner case of 0
				cmp bl,30h ; checking if given input id 0. ASCII value of
						   ; 0 is 30h
				je exit
				while_1: ; this loop will iterate from i=1 to i=input
				; going to new line
				mov ah,2
				mov dl,0dh
				int 21h
				mov ah,2
				mov dl,0ah
				int 21h
				mov j,31h ; setting j with 1. as ASCII value of 1 is 31h
					while_2: ; this loop will iterate from j=1 to j=i
					mov ah,2
					mov dl,j
					int 21h
					inc j ; j++ or j = j+1
					mov bh,i ; putting the value of i in bh to 
							 ; compare with j
					cmp j,bh ; we can't compare 2 variable directly, 
							 ; so we put the value of i in bh 
					jle while_2

				inc i   
				cmp i,bl
				jle while_1 

			main endp

		end main